FRONTLINE’s “The Choice 2020: Trump v. Biden”
In the midst of an historic pandemic, surging unemployment and growing economic uncertainty, American voters will head to the polls this fall to decide whether President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden will lead the country for the next four years. And as it has for every election since 1988, FRONTLINE’s acclaimed series “The Choice” will investigate the life stories of the two candidates: the roots of their drive to be president, the moments that shaped them, and the life method that has brought them to this point.
From veteran filmmaker Michael Kirk, who has made four prior installments of “The Choice,” this two-hour special will prepare Americans not just to vote in the election, but to understand what drives the president who will be sworn in on January 20, 2021 to lead a country in crisis.
Panelists include:
Raney Aronson-Rath, series executive producer
And Mike Kirk, producer and director
“When making these films, we always think, doesn’t everyone know everything they need to know about these candidates? To my pleasure, we always find a way to deliver the unknown. Part of that is because we are focused on the life method—why do they do what they do? And what can it tell us in a predictive fashion? Connecting the dots in that way is the power of long-form journalism. It’s not new at first-glance, but everything will be new if we do it right,” said Mike Kirk.